Leon Klepfish's ThankYouAds.com
1. ThankYouAds™ Are Not Annoying:
Aren't you sick and tired of those horribly annoying, disgusting pop-up ads? (And their even more inbred cousins pop-unders, pop-afters, pop-around, and those weird flying things.)
Well, so are your customers!
Placing one of those on your page is like committing digital suicide. Heck, Google won't even advertise your site any more if you have certain pop-ups!
ThankYouAds™ aren't anything like that.
Want a live demonstration? Click Here!
Text ads are almost the only remaining method of attracting serious attention! (Again, if you don't believe me, look at Google.)
2. ThankYouAds™ Will Attract ONLY Targeted, Serious
Buyers Who Already Have Credit Card in
Hand, Willing and Ready to Buy from YOU:
I believe I've covered this before, but just in case...
If somebody comes to your page from ThankYouAds™ that means that they have just bought something. And this means that you aren't wasting your time, money, and patience on someone who has never bought anything at all and isn't even interested in what you're selling.
3. ThankYouAds™ Cannot Distract Your Own Visitors:
There's not too much that you can do with somebody after they've just bought from you.
(And I bet you're doing nothing at all, anyway.)
You've just made a successful sale and added the customer to your list - why not let somebody else have a go? You lose absolutely nothing... And in exchange they send you their very own proven customers!
4. ThankYouAds™ Are Here to Stay:
Unlike most other forms of advertising, ThankYouAds™ are not annoying, plus you lose nothing by showing them. This means they could stick around until the next technological revolution.
By signing up now you'll place yourself on the forefront of modern advertising. Someday your grand-kids could ask you "Grandpa, where were you when the face of Internet Advertising was changed completely?" (well, it could happen!) ...And you'll be able to answer "I was right there, leading the charge. In fact, that's how I made my first million."
5. Joining ThankYouAds™ is Completely FREE:
That's pretty much self-explanatory, but let me stick in a couple more goodies...
To sign up all you need is a name, an email address and 7.35 seconds of your time.
However, the secret I'm about to reveal to you is really how you can get your "Lamborghini's worth" from ThankYouAds™...
ThankYouAds™ is a 3-Layer Viral Monster!
That's the new buzzword going around the global village. And let me tell you why!
Each time you refer somebody who signs up with ThankYouAds.com you get 100% of all the credits they earn! Not 50%, not 10%, but 100%. Every time somebody you refer shows their ad, you get a full credit just like if it was your ad being shown. (But don't worry, if you are the referral you get to keep your credit too. So sign up as somebody's affiliate and share the wealth!)
And then every time your referral refers somebody you get 100% of their credits as well...
3 Levels Deep! And you get 100% of the credits earned from each level.
But it gets even better...
ThankYouAds™ will even advertise itself for you.
If there aren't any pressing advertisements to show, the Ad on your Thank You Page will advertise ThankYouAds.com with your referral link! So you could wake up one morning and have 10 new referrals making you credits while you slept!
And all those credits translate into money. A lot of it.
hur växer vi hälsosamt in i global online business ekonomin ?
tisdag 27 april 2010
Fler än 5 000 entusiastiska distributörer från hela världen samlas i den världsberömda Radio City Music Hall i New York City för TNI:s årliga sammankomst. I evenemanget ingår massiva produktlanseringar och en stor presshändelse i Times Square, liksom lanseringen av TePoemä™ och Moéa™, exklusiva nya produktsortiment för ansiktsvård och spa.
TNI introducerar ett $3 miljoners lotteri med kontaktpriser på $10 till $10 000 och ett huvudpris på $250 000.
TAHITIAN NONI-produkter får stor uppmärksamhet i nationell och internationell press. Professionella idrottsmän, vetenskapsmän och branschexperter ingår TNI:s team av rådgivare och förespråkare.
En ny toppmodern bearbetningsfabrik är färdigställd på Tahiti. Den nya fabriken är den största tillverkningsanläggningen under ett och samma tak på hela Tahiti. I den nya anläggningen där den senaste tekniken implementerats, är produktionskapaciteten fördubblad jämfört med vad den var i den gamla anläggningen. Fler än 50 lokala Tahitibor arbetar där och över 1 000 familjer är engagerade i arbetet med att skörda frukten på över 80 öar i Franska Polynesien.
Nya Tahitian Noni Lifestyle Centers öppnar runt om i USA och andra länder över hela världen. Allmänheten får därigenom ett ställe att uppleva TAHITIAN NONI®-produkter på. Tahitian Noni Cafés™ utvidgar till Provo, Dallas och Atlanta i USA, Sao Paulo i Brasilien och Nagoya, Fukuoka och Tokyo i Japan.
Fler än 5 000 entusiastiska distributörer från hela världen samlas i den världsberömda Radio City Music Hall i New York City för TNI:s årliga sammankomst. I evenemanget ingår massiva produktlanseringar och en stor presshändelse i Times Square, liksom lanseringen av TePoemä™ och Moéa™, exklusiva nya produktsortiment för ansiktsvård och spa.
TNI introducerar ett $3 miljoners lotteri med kontaktpriser på $10 till $10 000 och ett huvudpris på $250 000.
TAHITIAN NONI-produkter får stor uppmärksamhet i nationell och internationell press. Professionella idrottsmän, vetenskapsmän och branschexperter ingår TNI:s team av rådgivare och förespråkare.
En ny toppmodern bearbetningsfabrik är färdigställd på Tahiti. Den nya fabriken är den största tillverkningsanläggningen under ett och samma tak på hela Tahiti. I den nya anläggningen där den senaste tekniken implementerats, är produktionskapaciteten fördubblad jämfört med vad den var i den gamla anläggningen. Fler än 50 lokala Tahitibor arbetar där och över 1 000 familjer är engagerade i arbetet med att skörda frukten på över 80 öar i Franska Polynesien.
Nya Tahitian Noni Lifestyle Centers öppnar runt om i USA och andra länder över hela världen. Allmänheten får därigenom ett ställe att uppleva TAHITIAN NONI®-produkter på. Tahitian Noni Cafés™ utvidgar till Provo, Dallas och Atlanta i USA, Sao Paulo i Brasilien och Nagoya, Fukuoka och Tokyo i Japan.
Traffic List Control
Traffic List Control
So how does Traffic List Control work?
Using Traffic List Control is very simple. The best part is you don't need to change anything you already do — if you use and promote websites, yours or as an affiliate, just transform your original links into Traffic List Control links in seconds and BOOM! You're earning free online advertising! Let's take a closer look at how it works...
STEP 1: Enter any website URL into the Traffic List Control Link Generator to transform it into a viral "Traffic List Control Link"
STEP 2: Use the new Traffic List Control Link instead of the original website URL, and you earn free advertising and web traffic every time your links are clicked!
STEP 3: Create ads in the Traffic List Control Ad Generator that drive visitors to your website - as you earn ad credits from using your Traffic List Control links, YOUR ADS display across the network and drive traffic to YOUR SITE!
Just imagine the ways you can use this to generate a flood of effective traffic and free online advertising...
* Transform all affiliate links you promote - you earn advertising just for promoting affiliate links! (And Traffic List Control even protects your commissions by cloaking your links too!)
* Transform all links you send in emails - you earn traffic and free online advertising just for sending emails!
* Transform all links on your website - you earn free traffic and site advertising every time visitors click on YOUR links! (And Traffic List Control will even track your conversions and sales!)
You can earn a boatload of free traffic and site advertising without changing what you already do! All you do is use Traffic List Control links instead of original website or affiliate links and the rest is automatic!
So how does Traffic List Control work?
Using Traffic List Control is very simple. The best part is you don't need to change anything you already do — if you use and promote websites, yours or as an affiliate, just transform your original links into Traffic List Control links in seconds and BOOM! You're earning free online advertising! Let's take a closer look at how it works...
STEP 1: Enter any website URL into the Traffic List Control Link Generator to transform it into a viral "Traffic List Control Link"
STEP 2: Use the new Traffic List Control Link instead of the original website URL, and you earn free advertising and web traffic every time your links are clicked!
STEP 3: Create ads in the Traffic List Control Ad Generator that drive visitors to your website - as you earn ad credits from using your Traffic List Control links, YOUR ADS display across the network and drive traffic to YOUR SITE!
Just imagine the ways you can use this to generate a flood of effective traffic and free online advertising...
* Transform all affiliate links you promote - you earn advertising just for promoting affiliate links! (And Traffic List Control even protects your commissions by cloaking your links too!)
* Transform all links you send in emails - you earn traffic and free online advertising just for sending emails!
* Transform all links on your website - you earn free traffic and site advertising every time visitors click on YOUR links! (And Traffic List Control will even track your conversions and sales!)
You can earn a boatload of free traffic and site advertising without changing what you already do! All you do is use Traffic List Control links instead of original website or affiliate links and the rest is automatic!
fredag 23 april 2010
Free Video
Free Video
You're About to Learn Insider 'Secrets' Most People Will Never Know About the Predictions and Prophecy of 2012...
Give us 43 Minutes and we'll get some of the world's top experts on 2012, predictions of the end of the world, historical and cross-cultural prophecies of a spiritual enlightenment, the science explaining the coming electromagnetic shifts in the earth and sun, or the superstitions surrounding an apocalypse, to reveal their most powerful, most useful, and most insightful research to give you the tools you need to make up your OWN mind about 2012 and what it means to you and your family - 100% FREE...
You're About to Learn Insider 'Secrets' Most People Will Never Know About the Predictions and Prophecy of 2012...
Give us 43 Minutes and we'll get some of the world's top experts on 2012, predictions of the end of the world, historical and cross-cultural prophecies of a spiritual enlightenment, the science explaining the coming electromagnetic shifts in the earth and sun, or the superstitions surrounding an apocalypse, to reveal their most powerful, most useful, and most insightful research to give you the tools you need to make up your OWN mind about 2012 and what it means to you and your family - 100% FREE...
tisdag 20 april 2010
Blogging Advice - Free Blogging Guide, Make Money Online!
Blogging Advice - Free Blogging Guide, Make Money Online!
Discover The 7 Sins of Blogging That 99% of Blogger "Wannabes" Commit, And How You Can Avoid Them!
Download our free "Death of A Blogger" special report now and I'll save your sorry a** from premature blogging death..
Discover how you can:
* Get maximum search engine traffic
* Build a huge RSS subscribers list
* Double or triple your existing profit
* Write better content, faster
* Much, much more...
Discover The 7 Sins of Blogging That 99% of Blogger "Wannabes" Commit, And How You Can Avoid Them!
Download our free "Death of A Blogger" special report now and I'll save your sorry a** from premature blogging death..
Discover how you can:
* Get maximum search engine traffic
* Build a huge RSS subscribers list
* Double or triple your existing profit
* Write better content, faster
* Much, much more...
onsdag 14 april 2010
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Affiliate Marketing Services in Greater China - SEO & Affiliate Coaching Blog
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Affiliate Marketing Services in Greater China - SEO & Affiliate Coaching Blog
För de som är intresserade av den kinesiska marknaden som bara växer i storlek och styrka vill jag rekommendera att läsa denna blogpost som också har många nyttiga länkar och referenser. Kina kommer snart att vara den dominerande på den asiatiska delen av internet vågar jag tippa och eftersom den delen nu är 40% så kan man förutspå en majoritetssituation inom kort. Google , Yahoo och Microsoft må hålla hårt i hatten om de inte vill bli uppköpta kan man tro i sin enkelhet.
En nyttig vän i handelsutbytet : http://www.made-in-china.com
För de som är intresserade av den kinesiska marknaden som bara växer i storlek och styrka vill jag rekommendera att läsa denna blogpost som också har många nyttiga länkar och referenser. Kina kommer snart att vara den dominerande på den asiatiska delen av internet vågar jag tippa och eftersom den delen nu är 40% så kan man förutspå en majoritetssituation inom kort. Google , Yahoo och Microsoft må hålla hårt i hatten om de inte vill bli uppköpta kan man tro i sin enkelhet.
En nyttig vän i handelsutbytet : http://www.made-in-china.com
Affiliate Marketing – Your Basic Guide!
Affiliate Marketing – Your Basic Guide!
Making money online is turning out to be a lucrative option with so many different ways to earn extra cash. Indeed, affiliate marketing is one of the popular online options to make some money while staying at home. It is a type of online marketing where affiliates are required to direct customers to the desired sites to buy and use the products and services offered by them.
How many people are involved in this form of marketing?
There are a total of four entities involved. The first is the merchant who is the prime business entity. The second is the affiliate who advertises the product or service of the merchant. The third is the network through which advertising is done and the fourth is the consumer who purchases the products or services. While these are the four entities since the beginning, today there are other players that include super affiliates, affiliate marketing agencies, and third-party vendors.
How is affiliate marketing similar or different from regular internet advertising?
Affiliate marketing techniques are not very different from other online marketing techniques as, like other marketing techniques, it uses SEO, paid marketing on popular search engines, email marketing, etc. On the other side, it differs as affiliates use their blogs to publish positive reviews of the products and/or services to be marketed. It, therefore, works quite a bit like word of mouth publicity.
How are affiliates paid?
There are various ways of compensating in affiliate marketing. While some old compensation methods are still in existence, there are newer ones that enable faster and better payment. CPS (cost per sale) or revenue sharing is the most preferred compensation methods. Nearly 80% of total affiliates and merchants prefer this method. CPA (cost per action) is another common method of compensation today and is preferred by close to 19% of the affiliates. The other compensation methods in use are CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPM (Cost Per Mille).
What are the benefits of affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a win-win situation for merchants, affiliates, and customers. Indeed, merchants like it as it increases their penetration and helps to reach out more people and wider markets. Whereas affiliates find it beneficial as it helps them to make money while sitting at home. Finally, customers like it as it helps them to gather more information about the products or services that they are looking for. Hence, they get more options to choose from.Making money online is turning out to be a lucrative option with so many different ways to earn extra cash. Indeed, affiliate marketing is one of the popular online options to make some money while staying at home. It is a type of online marketing where affiliates are required to direct customers to the desired sites to buy and use the products and services offered by them.
Making money online is turning out to be a lucrative option with so many different ways to earn extra cash. Indeed, affiliate marketing is one of the popular online options to make some money while staying at home. It is a type of online marketing where affiliates are required to direct customers to the desired sites to buy and use the products and services offered by them.
How many people are involved in this form of marketing?
There are a total of four entities involved. The first is the merchant who is the prime business entity. The second is the affiliate who advertises the product or service of the merchant. The third is the network through which advertising is done and the fourth is the consumer who purchases the products or services. While these are the four entities since the beginning, today there are other players that include super affiliates, affiliate marketing agencies, and third-party vendors.
How is affiliate marketing similar or different from regular internet advertising?
Affiliate marketing techniques are not very different from other online marketing techniques as, like other marketing techniques, it uses SEO, paid marketing on popular search engines, email marketing, etc. On the other side, it differs as affiliates use their blogs to publish positive reviews of the products and/or services to be marketed. It, therefore, works quite a bit like word of mouth publicity.
How are affiliates paid?
There are various ways of compensating in affiliate marketing. While some old compensation methods are still in existence, there are newer ones that enable faster and better payment. CPS (cost per sale) or revenue sharing is the most preferred compensation methods. Nearly 80% of total affiliates and merchants prefer this method. CPA (cost per action) is another common method of compensation today and is preferred by close to 19% of the affiliates. The other compensation methods in use are CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPM (Cost Per Mille).
What are the benefits of affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a win-win situation for merchants, affiliates, and customers. Indeed, merchants like it as it increases their penetration and helps to reach out more people and wider markets. Whereas affiliates find it beneficial as it helps them to make money while sitting at home. Finally, customers like it as it helps them to gather more information about the products or services that they are looking for. Hence, they get more options to choose from.Making money online is turning out to be a lucrative option with so many different ways to earn extra cash. Indeed, affiliate marketing is one of the popular online options to make some money while staying at home. It is a type of online marketing where affiliates are required to direct customers to the desired sites to buy and use the products and services offered by them.
What Is Affiliate Marketing and Is It For Me | Uncategorized
What Is Affiliate Marketing and Is It For Me | Uncategorized
What Is Affiliate Marketing and Is It For Me
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
By:Trent Brownrigg
Affiliate marketing can be defined as a widespread method of promotion in which an affiliate is rewarded for every view, sale, and/or registration produced through the affiliate\’s efforts (depending on the type of affiliate program)
It\’s similar to collecting commissions as a typical salesperson would The more the affiliate sells the more the affiliate gets paid It\’s as simple as that!
Compensation calculations vary but are typically based on one of the following:
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) – a specific amount is paid for each visitor the affiliate sends
Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) – where the affiliate is paid for registrations or sign-ups
Pay-Per-Sale (PPS) – a specific commission per sale is paid to the affiliate
If your goal is to generate your entire income online you can drive traffic from your subscriber lists, your websites, and from other marketing methods to affiliate links
What Is Affiliate Marketing and Is It For Me
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
By:Trent Brownrigg
Affiliate marketing can be defined as a widespread method of promotion in which an affiliate is rewarded for every view, sale, and/or registration produced through the affiliate\’s efforts (depending on the type of affiliate program)
It\’s similar to collecting commissions as a typical salesperson would The more the affiliate sells the more the affiliate gets paid It\’s as simple as that!
Compensation calculations vary but are typically based on one of the following:
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) – a specific amount is paid for each visitor the affiliate sends
Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) – where the affiliate is paid for registrations or sign-ups
Pay-Per-Sale (PPS) – a specific commission per sale is paid to the affiliate
If your goal is to generate your entire income online you can drive traffic from your subscriber lists, your websites, and from other marketing methods to affiliate links
måndag 12 april 2010
More opportunity to have free traffic to your site
More opportunity to have free traffic to your site
New York
Valentina73 Hi all ,I love read and share the news.I'm italian/american.I'm married with 2 kids; you can follow me on twitter. Those are just some example of free traffic exchange than me and my husband use to bring traffic to our favorite site So you need to learn to put up with these sorts of comments and use them as fuel to persist in your goal.Anyone can try to make money at home but not everyone can do it successfully.Have faith in yourself and believe that you can accomplish whatever you want. Start with thinking positively and be optimistic about what you are doing and the challenges that you face. Be passionate with your work. What you do doesn't exactly matter. What matters is that you appreciate it and like it enough to motivate you and keep you going. Your passion will not only allow you to be the best you can be. It will also attract others to take notice and patronize your online business.To your success .Take care.
New York
Valentina73 Hi all ,I love read and share the news.I'm italian/american.I'm married with 2 kids; you can follow me on twitter. Those are just some example of free traffic exchange than me and my husband use to bring traffic to our favorite site So you need to learn to put up with these sorts of comments and use them as fuel to persist in your goal.Anyone can try to make money at home but not everyone can do it successfully.Have faith in yourself and believe that you can accomplish whatever you want. Start with thinking positively and be optimistic about what you are doing and the challenges that you face. Be passionate with your work. What you do doesn't exactly matter. What matters is that you appreciate it and like it enough to motivate you and keep you going. Your passion will not only allow you to be the best you can be. It will also attract others to take notice and patronize your online business.To your success .Take care.
lördag 10 april 2010
Earn Money From Your Website
Earn Money From Your Website
Earn Money From Your Website
Turn your valuable web site traffic into money. Join our affiliate program. We offer the most pay-per-click rate to help maximize your revenue stream.
Imagine running of a something that never failed to provide you with cash-flow. A never ending income generator, a system so amazingly profitable that you never had to work for a boss ever again!
0 (zero) investment program
We designed this system specifically for NO COST methods, to make thousands, if not millions of dollars, without spending money.
Join our money making program absolutely free and 100% risk free.
Earn Money From Your Website
Turn your valuable web site traffic into money. Join our affiliate program. We offer the most pay-per-click rate to help maximize your revenue stream.
Imagine running of a something that never failed to provide you with cash-flow. A never ending income generator, a system so amazingly profitable that you never had to work for a boss ever again!
0 (zero) investment program
We designed this system specifically for NO COST methods, to make thousands, if not millions of dollars, without spending money.
Join our money making program absolutely free and 100% risk free.
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