onsdag 22 december 2010
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tisdag 7 december 2010
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PayBox is developing an online currency and payment processing service to make buying and selling online easier, more secure and available to everyone.
We're designing our service with the help of a dedicated group of EarlyBird users who are contributing ideas and feedback.
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söndag 21 november 2010
Forex, Hyip's and Investments: AV Finance - a growing confidence
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torsdag 18 november 2010
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Save this link for future reference: www.iasotea.com/1264131
söndag 7 november 2010
lördag 16 oktober 2010
Teachings of Ascension
Quote from Teachings:
At the time of the long night, which I had Gautama call the Dark Age, the path of spiritual wisdom towards divine principles will become dark even for people who sincerely seek God. All they will be able to find will be the paths such as that of pseudo-true teachings and that of humans. Therefore, difficult spots and mazes in the path will inevitably increase, and and humans will try to climb unto the summit of the truth only by means of various paths and techniques that they have learned through human knowledge. I shall say this is naive. To tell the truth, in order to truly reach the summit of the truth, it is folly to depend only on th
onsdag 13 oktober 2010
tisdag 12 oktober 2010
Affiliate Marketing
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måndag 11 oktober 2010
PayBox is developing an online currency and payment processing service to make buying and selling online easier, more secure and available to everyone.
We're designing our service with the help of a dedicated group of EarlyBird users who are contributing ideas and feedback.
Stages of development planned to launch in 2011:
Person-to-Person transactions.
Small Business integration, including payment processing modules for all popular shopping cart software.
Mid-sized Business integration.
Major Online Store integration.
Debit Card linked to your PayBox account.
Currency exchange with all major world currencies.
Why you should join today...
You start with a $50 balance and it's free.
PayBox will add up to $20 per day to your account for participating as we prepare to launch our new service.
You get $5 per person you refer to PayBox.
You'll be an EarlyBird user—before PayBox opens to the public.
You'll help shape the development of the best payment system ever designed for the Internet.
You could have hundreds or thousands of dollars in your account by the time we launch, without ever making a deposit!
lördag 18 september 2010
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onsdag 8 september 2010
A Most Wonderful Blogpost About The Truth In All
Our problem is, the Bible tells us that no one on this planet is perfect, and therefore, everyone has blown it in some little or big way, this keeps us from having a perfect relationship with God. (Romans 3:23)
Not only do we break God’s rules for living a great and abundant life, we fall short of His perfect standards. Even if your good living outweigh the bad, you’ll never be perfect as God requires us to be. Just one sin is enough to keep us out of heaven. Plus, even if you keep score everyday and log how many good deeds you do and how many little or big or not even purposeful sins you commit… and you had MORE good deeds than bad ones (who decides which is good or bad anyways? How would you ever know?)…. It’s not gonna get you in heaven! (James 2:10)
The good news is, God sent his son, Jesus, to earth as a man over 2,000 years ago. He lived a perfect life, without sin. He did this, so we would be able to approach God in a way that was not possible before Jesus came. Remember how in the old testament, he made people kill sheeps and goats and stuff? Well, that never worked, cause God cared more about the heart of a human, than he did the sacrifices or deeds of people. (Isaiah 64:6; Psalms 51:17)
Jesus had to die on a cross and doing so, allowed us to approach God in a new and exciting way! (John 3:16)
The judgment that God should have put upon us, He put on His son. Because He loved you so much, Jesus died in your place. He then rose again. (1 Corinthians 15:4-8)
If you turn from sin, and believe in Jesus, He will allow you to go to heaven when you die. (John 3:16) If you choose NOT to do this, God gives you what you want – an everlasting life without him, and that’s what Hell is… Eternity for people who died and who wanted nothing to do with God, so … he gave them what they ultimately wanted… HELL (a place where God does not exist). Don’t make that mistake! Enternity without God, in a bottomless pit, falling, with weeping and gnashing of teeth (which means… “Holy Crap! Why did I make the lamest choice of my life to ignore God… I hate this HELL… I am all alone for ever.. AHHHH!) is not where you want to go! Hell is a real place and real people go there. It’s not a party with people having fun. Afterall, how can you have fun in the darkness, while falling in a bottomless pit, while living in agony from the bad decisions you made to not love God? Does not sound like a party to me, eh? (Matthew 13:49-51)
Jesus Christ alone can save you. If you believe that Jesus died and rose again and that his death is sufficient payment for your bad ways and ignorance of God, then pray and ask God to save you and change you to be more like Jesus. (Romans 10:13)
First, admit that you have blown it in every way and acknowledge that nothing you do will get you close to God or make him love you more. Tell God you are sorry and commit to turn away from doing the things that cause God pain and grief. Say to Him, “I put my faith in Jesus Christ”. Ask God to make Himself real to you, and He will. (Psalms 25:4)
Remember… Everyone lives forever. There is NO CHOICE in this matter, and we will all die. Where you choose to spend your eternity is a choice God gives us. What a powerful and loving God he is… that he gives us a choice on our eternal destination. It’s only you who can make this the choice, and God will give you what you say you ultimately want – Live with him in Heaven by living for Jesus and believing in him, or Live without him in a bottomless, dark pit of Hell, where you’ll be alone in agony for all time forever and ever and ever.
I hope you choose to live with Jesus forever, I hope you choose to want to know God More!
How to Know God Personally
What does it take to begin a relationship with God? Devote yourself to unselfish religious deeds? Become a better person so that God will accept you?
You may be surprised that none of those things will work. But God has made it very clear in the Bible how we can know Him.
The following principles will explain how you can personally begin a relationship with God, right now, through Jesus Christ…
Principle 1:
God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life.
God’s Love
“God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” 1
God’s Plan
[Christ speaking] “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly” [that it might be full and meaningful]. 2
Why is it that most people are not experiencing the abundant life? Because…
Principle 2:
All of us sin and our sin has separated us from God.
We Are Sinful
“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” 3
We were created to have fellowship with God; but, because of our stubborn self-will, we chose to go our own independent way, and fellowship with God was broken. This self-will, characterized by an attitude of active rebellion or passive indifference, is evidence of what the Bible calls sin.
We Are Separated
“The wages of sin is death” [spiritual separation from God]. 4
This diagram illustrates that God is holy and people are sinful. A great gulf separates us. The arrows illustrate that we are continually trying to reach God and the abundant life through our own efforts, such as a good life, philosophy, or religion — but we inevitably fail.
The third law explains the only way to bridge this gulf…
Principle 3:
Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for our sin. Through Him we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our life.
He Died in Our Place
“God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” 5
He Rose From the Dead
“Christ died for our sins…He was buried…He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures…He appeared to Peter, then to the twelve. After that He appeared to more than five hundred…” 6
He Is the Only Way to God
“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.’” 7
This diagram illustrates that God has bridged the gulf which separates us from Him by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross in our place to pay the penalty for our sins.
It is not enough just to know these three principles…
Principle 4:
We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives.
We Must Receive Christ
“As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.” 8
We Receive Christ Through Faith
“By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast.” 9
When We Receive Christ, We Experience a New Birth
We Receive Christ by Personal Invitation
[Christ speaking] “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him.” 10
Receiving Christ involves turning to God from self (repentance) and trusting Christ to come into our lives to forgive our sins and to make us what He wants us to be. Just to agree intellectually that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for your sins is not enough. Nor is it enough to have an emotional experience. You receive Jesus Christ by faith, as an act of the will.
These two circles represent two kinds of lives:
Which circle best describes your life?
Which circle would you like to have represent your life?
The following explains how you can receive Christ:
You can receive Christ right now by faith through prayer
Prayer is talking to God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart. The following is a suggested prayer:
“Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be.”
If this prayer expresses the desire of your heart, then you can pray this prayer right now and Christ will come into your life, as He promised.
Does this prayer express the desire of your heart?
Yes, I just asked Jesus into my life »
I may want to ask Jesus into my life,
but I have a question I would like answered first »
(1) John 3:16 (NIV); (2) John 10:10; (3) Romans 3:23; (4) Romans 6:23; (5) Romans 5:8; (6) 1 Corinthians 15:3-6; (7) John 14:6; (8) John 1:12; (9) Ephesians 2:8,9; (10) Revelation 3:20
Adapted from Have You Heard of the Four Spiritual Laws and Would You Like to Know God Personally, by Dr. Bill Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. © Campus Crusade for Christ. All rights reserved.
Can the Bible Be Trusted?
“So Jeff,” you might be wondering… “This is all good, but, since it’s the BIBLE that says all these things, how am I supposed to believe the Bible is true, inspired and the full authority on which I am to base my life on?”
What you are probably thinking is… “On who’s authority or which standard do we make these claims about Jesus? Is the Bible the standard for living and life and can we trust it is really, truly inspired or that a bunch of smart lunatics and fools put it together as a hoax?”
Well, that’s a great question!
Here is some information to help you in your quest from ChristianAnswers.net
There have been hundreds of books written on the subject of the evidences of the divine inspiration of the Bible, and these evidences are many and varied. Most people today, unfortunately, have not read any of these books. In fact, few have even read the Bible itself! Thus, many people tend to go along with the popular delusion that the Bible is full of mistakes and is no longer relevant to our modern world.
Nevertheless the Bible writers claimed repeatedly that they were transmitting the very Word of God, infallible and authoritative in the highest degree. This is an amazing thing for any writer to say, and if the forty or so men who wrote the Scriptures were wrong in these claims, then they must have been lying, or insane, or both.
But, on the other hand, if the greatest and most influential book of the ages, containing the most beautiful literature and the most perfect moral code ever devised, was written by deceiving fanatics, then what hope is there for ever finding meaning and purpose in this world?
If one will seriously investigate these Biblical evidences, he will find that their claims of divine inspiration (stated over 3,000 times, in various ways) were amply justified.
Fulfilled Prophecies
The remarkable evidence of fulfilled prophecy is just one case in point. Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled, specifically and meticulously, often long after the prophetic writer had passed away.
For example, Daniel the prophet predicted in about 538 BC (Daniel 9:24-27) that Christ would come as Israel’s promised Savior and Prince 483 years after the Persian emperor would give the Jews authority to rebuild Jerusalem, which was then in ruins. This was clearly and definitely fulfilled, hundreds of years later.
There are extensive prophecies dealing with individual nations and cities and with the course of history in general, all of which have been literally fulfilled. More than 300 prophecies were fulfilled by Christ Himself at His first coming. Other prophecies deal with the spread of Christianity, as well as various false religions, and many other subjects.
There is no other book, ancient or modern, like this. The vague, and usually erroneous, prophecies of people like Jeanne Dixon, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and others like them are not in the same category at all, and neither are other religious books such as the Koran, the Confucian Analects, and similar religious writings. Only the Bible manifests this remarkable prophetic evidence, and it does so on such a tremendous scale as to render completely absurd any explanation other than divine revelation.
Unique Historical Accuracy
The historical accuracy of the Scriptures is likewise in a class by itself, far superior to the written records of Egypt, Assyria, and other early nations. Archeological confirmations of the Biblical record have been almost innumerable in the last century. Dr. Nelson Glueck, probably the greatest modern authority on Israeli archeology, has said:
“No archeological discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference. Scores of archeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or in exact detail historical statements in the Bible. And, by the same token, proper evaluation of Biblical descriptions has often led to amazing discoveries.”
Scientific Accuracy
Another striking evidence of divine inspiration is found in the fact that many of the principles of modern science were recorded as facts of nature in the Bible long before scientist confirmed them experimentally. A sampling of these would include:
Roundness of the earth (Isaiah 40:22)
Almost infinite extent of the sidereal universe (Isaiah 55:9)
Law of conservation of mass and energy (II Peter 3:7)
Hydrologic cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7)
Vast number of stars (Jeremiah 33:22)
Law of increasing entropy (Psalm 102:25-27)
Paramount importance of blood in life processes (Leviticus 17:11)
Atmospheric circulation (Ecclesiastes 1:6)
Gravitational field (Job 26:7)
and many others.
These are not stated in the technical jargon of modern science, of course, but in terms of the basic world of man’s everyday experience; nevertheless, they are completely in accord with the most modern scientific facts.
It is significant also that no real mistake has ever been demonstrated in the Bible—in science, in history, or in any other subject. Many have been claimed, of course, but conservative Bible scholars have always been able to work out reasonable solutions to all such problems.
Unique Structure
The remarkable structure of the Bible should also be stressed. Although it is a collection of 66 books, written by 40 or more different men over a period of 2,000 years, it is clearly one Book, with perfect unity and consistency throughout.
The individual writers, at the time of writing, had no idea that their message was eventually to be incorporated into such a Book, but each nevertheless fits perfectly into place and serves its own unique purpose as a component of the whole. Anyone who diligently studies the Bible will continually find remarkable structural and mathematical patterns woven throughout its fabric, with an intricacy and symmetry incapable of explanation by chance or collusion.
The one consistent theme of the Bible, developing in grandeur from Genesis to Revelation, is God’s great work in the creation and redemption of all things, through His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Bible’s Unique Effect
The Bible is unique also in terms of its effect on individual men and on the history of nations. It is the all-time best seller, appealing both to hearts and minds, beloved by at least some in every race or nation or tribe to which it has gone, rich or poor, scholar or simple, king or commoner, men of literally every background and walk of life. No other book has ever held such universal appeal nor produced such lasting effects.
One final evidence that the Bible is true is found in the testimony of those who have believed it. Multitudes of people, past and present, have found from personal experience that its promises are true, its counsel is sound, its commands and restrictions are wise, and its wonderful message of salvation meets every need for both time and eternity.
The Author Jeff Mills is a most respected "Minister of Marketing" blogger.
lördag 4 september 2010
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måndag 19 juli 2010
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tisdag 15 juni 2010
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måndag 14 juni 2010
Solar Generator - Amazing Solar Generator Is Like Having A Secret Power Plant Hidden In Your Home
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torsdag 20 maj 2010
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lördag 15 maj 2010
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fredag 14 maj 2010
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Does Magick always work?
Magick is based on a proper understanding and use of certain laws and principles which, by their very nature, are unchanging. It can therefore be said that the Magick which works for one practitioner will always work for any other practitioner in the same way if the same techniques and approaches are used.
Is Magick good for spiritual development too?
Many people have the false idea that they have to choose between spiritual development and enriching the material conditions of their lives. This idea is false because the two things are actually interdependent. You cannot develop yourself spiritually if you are constantly worrying about money, or your career, or your close personal relationships. And in the same way, you cannot improve the material conditions of your life if you do not work on developing yourself spiritually at the same time. The Art & Science of Magickal Creation is a properly unified course of study which is designed to benefit body, mind and spirit in equal measures.
What experience do I need to succeed with Magick?
You need no previous experience, knowledge or special talent to succeed with Magick. Just as the sun shines on everyone regardless of their individual talents or abilities, so the laws of Magickal Creation will work for everyone who uses them in a certain prescribed manner.
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Learn to Create Thoughtsforms and Tulpas with The Aladdin Secret
This might sound like an impossible fairy-tale, but I know differently. Here I will explain how you too can begin living the life of your dreams by learning to unleash and control the infinite spiritual power which lies dormant within you, but first allow me to introduce myself more fully.
My name is Daniel Keaton and I have been interested in metaphysics and spirituality for as long as I can remember. Over the years I have studied the law of attraction, astrology, positive thinking, rituals, chakras, salt-magic, candle-magic, ready-made talismans and a whole number of other ideas. What I was looking for was something that would help me to escape the clutches of the nine-to-five rat race and start living a life filled with prosperity, romance, peace and happiness. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the philosophies I studied were uplifting and positive, they didn't seem to work in the real world.
I was on the verge of giving up my quest for a metaphysical philosophy which produced tangible results when I came across a volume entitled, 'The Miracle Secret'. This manual explained how anyone could unleash and control the God-Power within them by following five simple steps. Naturally, I was sceptical, but I was also intrigued enough to give the method a try. After all, what did I have to lose?
Amazingly, the method worked!
The crux of the method was the creation of something called thought-forms. These are spiritual blueprints which, when charged correctly with spiritual energy, manifest themselves on the material plane. I began by creating the thought-form of $100 in crisp bank notes. A week later, my thought-form manifested itself and the $100 came into my possession! It was a truly incredible experience.
Childbirth Magic: How to create a positive birth experience
Dear Mums/Moms, Partners, Family and Friends,
You may already be or soon will be at the point where I was, and that is you are either pregnant or know someone that is; or considering having children. You want the best outcome during your pregnancy and want a fairly easy labour.
You are frightened, challenged and perhaps confused with all the information out there.
You've had enough, listening to everyone else's horror stories about long labours, drugs, intervention, things going wrong and the way these women felt after the birth. You understand that sometimes things don't go the way you intended, but the thought of a c-section is not the ideal option, so if that can be prevented then that would make you happy.
You believe going into hospital to labour is safe, but don't realise that this could be the start to a challenging birth, that can cascade into one intervention after another. Where do you think these ‘horror stories’ come from and why? Haven't you ever questioned this?
You're not really aware of all your birth options – you're just doing what you've been told by your mother, family, friends, doctor and/or obstetrician – and that is, to birth in a hospital.
You feel stressed and confused, and haven't been able find the answers, until now!
Everything you need to birth is within you. Birthing is an opportunity to tap into your power and spiritual insight, the core of who you are. It's a moment where you can experience love, pleasure, personal empowerment and growth, bodily sensations you never knew existed, sacred space, spiritual enlightenment and miracles beyond belief.
Welcome to I Create Cash
May 14, 2010
From: Christopher Westra
Author - I Create Cash - Cyborg Selling and Many Other Books
Dear Friend -
Find out how powerful you really are. You can achieve all your dreams!
William James said, "To change one's life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions."
Your life can change right now! A year ago I worked in a prison - yes a prison, and now I have my own business making much more than I did at that job.
The automatic income flows in even on the days I don't work, even when I'm on vacation. I recently went to Hawaii with my wife for eight days and made $2362.00 profit during that time, without touching a computer! Passive Income is truly fun.
Cyborg Selling is the Key to Creating Unlimited Income Online. If you want the financial independence from your own business, and the satisfaction of being your own boss, then this might be the most important letter you will ever read!
Here's why -
I'll teach you the 11 principles of automatic action - exactly how people think (or don't think), and what makes them want to buy any product. For each of the 11 Cyborg Selling principles I'll give you seven specific, powerful ways to use them to increase your bottom line.
Sail the Online "C's" with these 11 Cyborg Secrets:
Credibility - Automatic Trust of Authority (chapter 4)
Constructing an Image - Automatic Imagination (chapter 5)
Contacting the Desires - Automatic Craving (chapter 6)
Contribution - Automatic Desire to Give Back (chapter 7)
Comparison and Contrast - Automatic Perspective (chapter 8)
Commonality - Automatic Liking and Bonding (chapter 9)
Consistency - Automatic Living Up to Expectation (chapter 10)
Connection - Automatic Association and Linking (chapter 11)
Conditional Offers - Automatic Urgency (chapter 12)
Conformity - Automatic Looking for Approval (chapter 13)
Characteristic - Automatic Desire for the Unique (chapter 14)
You'll get examples and details of each - and a Cyborg Checklist that you will never want to be without when creating an ad campaign or developing new business opportunities. You will be blown away to discover you use these automatic programs also!
tisdag 27 april 2010
Leon Klepfish's ThankYouAds.com
1. ThankYouAds™ Are Not Annoying:
Aren't you sick and tired of those horribly annoying, disgusting pop-up ads? (And their even more inbred cousins pop-unders, pop-afters, pop-around, and those weird flying things.)
Well, so are your customers!
Placing one of those on your page is like committing digital suicide. Heck, Google won't even advertise your site any more if you have certain pop-ups!
ThankYouAds™ aren't anything like that.
Want a live demonstration? Click Here!
Text ads are almost the only remaining method of attracting serious attention! (Again, if you don't believe me, look at Google.)
2. ThankYouAds™ Will Attract ONLY Targeted, Serious
Buyers Who Already Have Credit Card in
Hand, Willing and Ready to Buy from YOU:
I believe I've covered this before, but just in case...
If somebody comes to your page from ThankYouAds™ that means that they have just bought something. And this means that you aren't wasting your time, money, and patience on someone who has never bought anything at all and isn't even interested in what you're selling.
3. ThankYouAds™ Cannot Distract Your Own Visitors:
There's not too much that you can do with somebody after they've just bought from you.
(And I bet you're doing nothing at all, anyway.)
You've just made a successful sale and added the customer to your list - why not let somebody else have a go? You lose absolutely nothing... And in exchange they send you their very own proven customers!
4. ThankYouAds™ Are Here to Stay:
Unlike most other forms of advertising, ThankYouAds™ are not annoying, plus you lose nothing by showing them. This means they could stick around until the next technological revolution.
By signing up now you'll place yourself on the forefront of modern advertising. Someday your grand-kids could ask you "Grandpa, where were you when the face of Internet Advertising was changed completely?" (well, it could happen!) ...And you'll be able to answer "I was right there, leading the charge. In fact, that's how I made my first million."
5. Joining ThankYouAds™ is Completely FREE:
That's pretty much self-explanatory, but let me stick in a couple more goodies...
To sign up all you need is a name, an email address and 7.35 seconds of your time.
However, the secret I'm about to reveal to you is really how you can get your "Lamborghini's worth" from ThankYouAds™...
ThankYouAds™ is a 3-Layer Viral Monster!
That's the new buzzword going around the global village. And let me tell you why!
Each time you refer somebody who signs up with ThankYouAds.com you get 100% of all the credits they earn! Not 50%, not 10%, but 100%. Every time somebody you refer shows their ad, you get a full credit just like if it was your ad being shown. (But don't worry, if you are the referral you get to keep your credit too. So sign up as somebody's affiliate and share the wealth!)
And then every time your referral refers somebody you get 100% of their credits as well...
3 Levels Deep! And you get 100% of the credits earned from each level.
But it gets even better...
ThankYouAds™ will even advertise itself for you.
If there aren't any pressing advertisements to show, the Ad on your Thank You Page will advertise ThankYouAds.com with your referral link! So you could wake up one morning and have 10 new referrals making you credits while you slept!
And all those credits translate into money. A lot of it.
Fler än 5 000 entusiastiska distributörer från hela världen samlas i den världsberömda Radio City Music Hall i New York City för TNI:s årliga sammankomst. I evenemanget ingår massiva produktlanseringar och en stor presshändelse i Times Square, liksom lanseringen av TePoemä™ och Moéa™, exklusiva nya produktsortiment för ansiktsvård och spa.
TNI introducerar ett $3 miljoners lotteri med kontaktpriser på $10 till $10 000 och ett huvudpris på $250 000.
TAHITIAN NONI-produkter får stor uppmärksamhet i nationell och internationell press. Professionella idrottsmän, vetenskapsmän och branschexperter ingår TNI:s team av rådgivare och förespråkare.
En ny toppmodern bearbetningsfabrik är färdigställd på Tahiti. Den nya fabriken är den största tillverkningsanläggningen under ett och samma tak på hela Tahiti. I den nya anläggningen där den senaste tekniken implementerats, är produktionskapaciteten fördubblad jämfört med vad den var i den gamla anläggningen. Fler än 50 lokala Tahitibor arbetar där och över 1 000 familjer är engagerade i arbetet med att skörda frukten på över 80 öar i Franska Polynesien.
Nya Tahitian Noni Lifestyle Centers öppnar runt om i USA och andra länder över hela världen. Allmänheten får därigenom ett ställe att uppleva TAHITIAN NONI®-produkter på. Tahitian Noni Cafés™ utvidgar till Provo, Dallas och Atlanta i USA, Sao Paulo i Brasilien och Nagoya, Fukuoka och Tokyo i Japan.
Traffic List Control
So how does Traffic List Control work?
Using Traffic List Control is very simple. The best part is you don't need to change anything you already do — if you use and promote websites, yours or as an affiliate, just transform your original links into Traffic List Control links in seconds and BOOM! You're earning free online advertising! Let's take a closer look at how it works...
STEP 1: Enter any website URL into the Traffic List Control Link Generator to transform it into a viral "Traffic List Control Link"
STEP 2: Use the new Traffic List Control Link instead of the original website URL, and you earn free advertising and web traffic every time your links are clicked!
STEP 3: Create ads in the Traffic List Control Ad Generator that drive visitors to your website - as you earn ad credits from using your Traffic List Control links, YOUR ADS display across the network and drive traffic to YOUR SITE!
Just imagine the ways you can use this to generate a flood of effective traffic and free online advertising...
* Transform all affiliate links you promote - you earn advertising just for promoting affiliate links! (And Traffic List Control even protects your commissions by cloaking your links too!)
* Transform all links you send in emails - you earn traffic and free online advertising just for sending emails!
* Transform all links on your website - you earn free traffic and site advertising every time visitors click on YOUR links! (And Traffic List Control will even track your conversions and sales!)
You can earn a boatload of free traffic and site advertising without changing what you already do! All you do is use Traffic List Control links instead of original website or affiliate links and the rest is automatic!
fredag 23 april 2010
Free Video
You're About to Learn Insider 'Secrets' Most People Will Never Know About the Predictions and Prophecy of 2012...
Give us 43 Minutes and we'll get some of the world's top experts on 2012, predictions of the end of the world, historical and cross-cultural prophecies of a spiritual enlightenment, the science explaining the coming electromagnetic shifts in the earth and sun, or the superstitions surrounding an apocalypse, to reveal their most powerful, most useful, and most insightful research to give you the tools you need to make up your OWN mind about 2012 and what it means to you and your family - 100% FREE...
tisdag 20 april 2010
Blogging Advice - Free Blogging Guide, Make Money Online!
Discover The 7 Sins of Blogging That 99% of Blogger "Wannabes" Commit, And How You Can Avoid Them!
Download our free "Death of A Blogger" special report now and I'll save your sorry a** from premature blogging death..
Discover how you can:
* Get maximum search engine traffic
* Build a huge RSS subscribers list
* Double or triple your existing profit
* Write better content, faster
* Much, much more...
onsdag 14 april 2010
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Affiliate Marketing Services in Greater China - SEO & Affiliate Coaching Blog
För de som är intresserade av den kinesiska marknaden som bara växer i storlek och styrka vill jag rekommendera att läsa denna blogpost som också har många nyttiga länkar och referenser. Kina kommer snart att vara den dominerande på den asiatiska delen av internet vågar jag tippa och eftersom den delen nu är 40% så kan man förutspå en majoritetssituation inom kort. Google , Yahoo och Microsoft må hålla hårt i hatten om de inte vill bli uppköpta kan man tro i sin enkelhet.
En nyttig vän i handelsutbytet : http://www.made-in-china.com
Affiliate Marketing – Your Basic Guide!
Making money online is turning out to be a lucrative option with so many different ways to earn extra cash. Indeed, affiliate marketing is one of the popular online options to make some money while staying at home. It is a type of online marketing where affiliates are required to direct customers to the desired sites to buy and use the products and services offered by them.
How many people are involved in this form of marketing?
There are a total of four entities involved. The first is the merchant who is the prime business entity. The second is the affiliate who advertises the product or service of the merchant. The third is the network through which advertising is done and the fourth is the consumer who purchases the products or services. While these are the four entities since the beginning, today there are other players that include super affiliates, affiliate marketing agencies, and third-party vendors.
How is affiliate marketing similar or different from regular internet advertising?
Affiliate marketing techniques are not very different from other online marketing techniques as, like other marketing techniques, it uses SEO, paid marketing on popular search engines, email marketing, etc. On the other side, it differs as affiliates use their blogs to publish positive reviews of the products and/or services to be marketed. It, therefore, works quite a bit like word of mouth publicity.
How are affiliates paid?
There are various ways of compensating in affiliate marketing. While some old compensation methods are still in existence, there are newer ones that enable faster and better payment. CPS (cost per sale) or revenue sharing is the most preferred compensation methods. Nearly 80% of total affiliates and merchants prefer this method. CPA (cost per action) is another common method of compensation today and is preferred by close to 19% of the affiliates. The other compensation methods in use are CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPM (Cost Per Mille).
What are the benefits of affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a win-win situation for merchants, affiliates, and customers. Indeed, merchants like it as it increases their penetration and helps to reach out more people and wider markets. Whereas affiliates find it beneficial as it helps them to make money while sitting at home. Finally, customers like it as it helps them to gather more information about the products or services that they are looking for. Hence, they get more options to choose from.Making money online is turning out to be a lucrative option with so many different ways to earn extra cash. Indeed, affiliate marketing is one of the popular online options to make some money while staying at home. It is a type of online marketing where affiliates are required to direct customers to the desired sites to buy and use the products and services offered by them.
What Is Affiliate Marketing and Is It For Me | Uncategorized
What Is Affiliate Marketing and Is It For Me
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
By:Trent Brownrigg
Affiliate marketing can be defined as a widespread method of promotion in which an affiliate is rewarded for every view, sale, and/or registration produced through the affiliate\’s efforts (depending on the type of affiliate program)
It\’s similar to collecting commissions as a typical salesperson would The more the affiliate sells the more the affiliate gets paid It\’s as simple as that!
Compensation calculations vary but are typically based on one of the following:
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) – a specific amount is paid for each visitor the affiliate sends
Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) – where the affiliate is paid for registrations or sign-ups
Pay-Per-Sale (PPS) – a specific commission per sale is paid to the affiliate
If your goal is to generate your entire income online you can drive traffic from your subscriber lists, your websites, and from other marketing methods to affiliate links
måndag 12 april 2010
More opportunity to have free traffic to your site
New York
Valentina73 Hi all ,I love read and share the news.I'm italian/american.I'm married with 2 kids; you can follow me on twitter. Those are just some example of free traffic exchange than me and my husband use to bring traffic to our favorite site So you need to learn to put up with these sorts of comments and use them as fuel to persist in your goal.Anyone can try to make money at home but not everyone can do it successfully.Have faith in yourself and believe that you can accomplish whatever you want. Start with thinking positively and be optimistic about what you are doing and the challenges that you face. Be passionate with your work. What you do doesn't exactly matter. What matters is that you appreciate it and like it enough to motivate you and keep you going. Your passion will not only allow you to be the best you can be. It will also attract others to take notice and patronize your online business.To your success .Take care.
lördag 10 april 2010
Earn Money From Your Website
Earn Money From Your Website
Turn your valuable web site traffic into money. Join our affiliate program. We offer the most pay-per-click rate to help maximize your revenue stream.
Imagine running of a something that never failed to provide you with cash-flow. A never ending income generator, a system so amazingly profitable that you never had to work for a boss ever again!
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Join our money making program absolutely free and 100% risk free.
tisdag 30 mars 2010
The Instant Money Code
You can keep doing what you’re already doing, working hard, slaving day in and day out, hating life, and your alarm clock, working for the weekend… JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE RAT RACE.
And if you keep doing that... it’s just going to become more painful.
Sure we all have goals and aspirations, but the longer you wait to do something about your financial future, the worse your debt is going to become, and the farther away from your goals you will be.
You can buy Instant Money Code THIS INSTANT and choose the path I chose a few years ago.
Imagine in a few months when you tell your co-workers you QUIT. Then, imagine the look on your bosses face when you tell him you’re no longer his slave.
GET the life you want and that we all deserve… after all this is AMERICA.
We live in the greatest country on the planet. Start ENJOYING IT. Life is short, and you must take advantage.
Ad-renaline Marketing
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söndag 21 mars 2010
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Better Banking
BetterBanking.us is a service that helps you make a fortune out of your actual bank services. Bankers will never tell you what you are about to discover on betterbanking.us We will reveal you how to turn any amount of money into a very impressive personal fortune, reaching a yearly average interest rate between 25% to 50%. BetterBanking.us is not a get rich quick scam. We teach you how to do things on your own in a very simple way, and we help you achieve REAL results in real life situations. No selling, no sponsoring, no internet business.
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lördag 13 mars 2010
torsdag 11 mars 2010
Earn money from your website (while you sleep).
Turn your valuable web site traffic into money. Join our affiliate program.
We offer the most pay-per-click rate to help maximize your revenue stream.
Imagine running of a something that never failed to provide you with cash-flow.
A never ending income generator, a system so amazingly profitable that you never had to work for a boss ever again!
We designed this system specifically for NO COST methods, to make thousands, if not millions of dollars, without spending money.
Join our money making program absolutely free and 100% risk free.
Sign Up...
Earn $1,000... $2,000... $5,000...
Turn your site traffic into cash!
You get paid for every visitor that clicks on our advertizing. Our goal is to enable you to make as
much as possible from your advertising space. We pay monthly, either by check, or instantly through PayPal.
Our program enables you to generate a steady stream of income, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
365 days a year. Allowing you more time to focus on the things you love.
You'll even be making money while your sleep!
Sign Up...
måndag 8 mars 2010
Residual Earners Club Matrix
Join us TODAY and you will be provided the following:
The best possible position in our Forced 6x5 matrix
The ability to earn up to $18,660 per month
Earn $2.00 for every member in your downline
A free top level membership to our advertising site, which includes a monthly ad package
Various downloads of very useful products
HyperVRE - Dynamically Convert Your Content Into Cash
This is Edmund Loh here with a special gift for you.
If you love the idea of making m.oney with Resell Rights products or building content rich sites and Info Products with Private Label content, I trust you will enjoy this.
Today I'm offering you a lifetime Gold membership pass to ResellRightsMastery.com F.REE (this is a $197.00 value)!
You can gain instant access to:
* A rich collection of consistently adding Resell Rights items that you can resell and pocket all the sales,
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Hope this helps you expand your Online Empire! :-)
Warm Regards,
P.S. Remember: this $197.00 value membership is yours F.REE - no strings attached. Enjoy this gift and it's yours to keep!
lördag 6 mars 2010
TrafficG Landing Page
Become a TrafficG member and you'll be able to drive free, guaranteed visitors and traffic to any website of your choice! And the cost of this great service? Absolutely NOTHING - NO catches!
torsdag 4 mars 2010
Rebate Processor Work at Home and EARN CASH!
Opportunities like this do not come by every day.
This program is the kind of asset I would have killed for when I was first starting out. I urge you not to put this off. I honestly believe those who get in now and lock in their positions, while this is new, will be the ones who will reap the long term financial rewards. Don't let this opportunity slip by.
tisdag 2 mars 2010
KPI Library
Over 155,000 professionals use
KPI Library to find, discuss and compare
business metrics.
Use KPI Library to:
* Search in more than 3500 business metrics by process and industry
* Ask help or advice, and read articles written by independent experts
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EZ Wealth Taxi - The Road to Financial Freedom Just Got a Whole Lot Shorter!
No we are not an online Taxi Company, and no one here drives a "Real Taxi". What we are is a Direct Sales Company, and our Resellers are called Drivers. Our Resellers/Drivers make money selling other people's products, and they keep 100% of the money from every sale! All commissions are paid daily from Member-to-Member!
Our one-of-a-kind proprietary pay plan is so unique, and so lucrative that many of our Members are setting personal income records! To learn more about our proprietary pay plan, and why we are called EZ Wealth Taxi, register for the Free Tour, then login and watch the How It Works Movie!
fredag 26 februari 2010
My Surf Sites - WebCentre Surf - Traffic Exchange
Get connected, get traffic to Your site. Sign up to any trafficexchange of your choice.
You're worth IT.
WebCentre Surf - Traffic Exchange
Ten reasons why you should be a member of WebCentre Surf:
1. You get results! Our Traffic Exchange delivers your hits in a timely fashion!
2. You get superior customer service from a website owner who cares!
3. You can Private Message all members using our internal messaging system!
4. You can win 1000 credits every 50 sites just by answering 10 trivia questions!
5. You can transfer credits to your referrals and motivate them to stay active!
6. You can organize and keep track of your clicking with our FREE surf console!
7. You can advertise ALL your Traffic Exchange links in our unique members directory!
8. You get your own FREE website rotator with custom weighting for up to 100 pages!
9. You can claim Bonus credits by reading members messages and newsletter updates!
10. You can earn a 1:1 surf ratio, even as a Free Member, just by surfing regularly!
webcentresurf.com FREE URL rotator
Why have just one income stream when there are 25 to be had FREE! No up front consideration / money, No Auto-Ship Required, and you still Get PAID on ALL referrals!
Joining is quick and easy. Join as a FREE or paid affiliate, your choice. Paid membership is only $197 and $99 monthly, no contacts, cancel anytime, and we do: blogging, pinging, and posting, plus we upload your 1 minute social media video you create in just 10 minutes to the major video sites. Either way you get a ton of FREE TOOLS + 25 INCOME STREAMS to make money with! If paid, WE DO THE WORK and you get all the FREE AND UNLIMITED MLM LEADS your GLOBAL MARKETING can generate!
This incredible service is "product neutral" and will work with ANY MLM or Affiliate Plan. Sell both Business and Personal products or services. RETAIL IS KEY. No matter what you are selling WHY NOT ADD 25 MORE INCOME STREAMS FREE?
Jobb 2010 med Agel
Vi lär dig tjäna pengar hemifrån med GMG Team Agel!.........
Team Lotta Wendel - din Agel Support hälsar dig hjärtligt välkommen till en unik möjlighet att tjäna pengar med hjälp av din dator bekvämt hemifrån. Du får också chansen att starta upp en helt ny karriär och en underbar möjlighet att få ekonomisk frihet och trygghet, på ett sätt du kanske inte trodde var möjligt idag.
www.OurGV.Com Shopping Program,CEO Chad Schapiro, Pres. WJ Vincent II
The founders of OurGV Inc. represent a combined 30+ years of building successful businesses from the ground up. Frustrated with the lack of integrity, and seeming unwillingness of companies to take care of their most important asset, their people, a decision was made to start a new company. One that would be dedicated to having a positive impact on the world we all live in.
Taking every last ounce of their knowledge and expertise, the long process of research and development began. After several years of painstaking research & testing, OurGV.com was born.
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Shop comfortably with low prices, cashbacks and rebates , get a toolbar or enjoy social activities at ourGV . You may even start your own business.
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torsdag 25 februari 2010
Thought Vibration Free eBook
Hello Friend,
In 1906, William Walker Atkinson wrote, "Set your mind to the keynote of Courage, Confidence and Success. Get in touch with all the thoughts of that kind that are emanating every hour from hundreds of minds. Get the best that is to be had in the thought world. The best is there, so be satisfied with nothing less."
Incredible, that more than a century ago, this author was writing about the Secret to understanding the Law of Attraction and how to apply it in your life. It is with this understanding you will find the key to living the life you desire and deserve.
måndag 22 februari 2010
Luminous Living
The term ‘Lightworker’ has been around for about 40 years, initially used to describe people doing spiritual, humanitarian or healing work. The definition of Lightworker has evolved as our understanding & consciousness has evolved…..as we have evolved.
söndag 21 februari 2010
OurGV.Com Ultimate Shopping Experience
Welcome to the Ultimate Shopping Experience
OurGV.com Online Shopping Mall